Noticia archivada en la categoría: MIT in the media  | Publicada el 4 August del 2014.

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Detalle de la página en la que MIT School aparece en Diario SUR referenciada como 'Empresa Número 1'

MIT School continues to be a reference company for the Málaga media. This time, it has been Diario SUR the one that has included the School among the best companies in the province on its special ‘Number 1 Companies’ and has interviewed our General Manager, Javier Díaz. The man who devised the MIT School educational project ten years ago was asked with regard to the success of the School in the midst of the difficult economic situation that our country is facing, and the manager stands out not only the smooth running of the institution, but also announces two new MIT centers to be built soon. One will be in Madrid, while another will be installed in Beijing, China. You can read the full interview here.