Noticia archivada en la categoría: Sports  | Publicada el 18 March del 2014.

Esta entrada también está disponible en: Spanish

Víctor Pérez y su compañero de equipo posan con la copa

Víctor Pérez and his teammate pose with the trophy

MIT School has gone down in karate history again! It happened last week in Ciudad Real, during the Campeonato de España de Kárate Absoluto, when Mr. Pérez became champion of Spain with his kumite team. It’s the first time Andalusia wins this championship although the team have participated on it 36 times!

Integrantes de la Selección Andaluza de Kárate

Members of the Andalusian Team

Furthermore, both the masculine kata team, formed by Lorenzo Carlos Marín (forthcoming MIT professor), Antonio García (MIT ex student) and Francisco Javier López, as the female one (formed by Margarita Morata, ex student; Mrs. Marín, MIT teacher; Jessica Moreno, student; and Susana Martinez) got a conclusive Bronze.
El equipo femenino de kumite con el bronce

The Feminine Kumite Team with the bronze

These victories open the doors to the group to compete in the upcoming European Championships of the Regions, to be held in Turkey next June. And this is how our athletes show us once again that with perseverance and effort nothing is impossible! Congratulations, team!
La hazaña del equipo aparece en los periódicos

The team’s feat appears in the newspapers