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Do you remember that we told you that our students were preparing a newspaper for El País de los Estudiantes? Well, it is already online! You can check it here, and you can read the words of Mr. Rojas, the coordinator of the activity, in the following lines:
“Each student was responsible for the preparation of an article, and one of them prepared the cover. Together, doing a writing workshop, they corrected, chosen topics and reviewed the texts of their peers. They have been involved a lot, and have worked hard, specially considering it is a course very concerned about selectividad. I, as a teacher, limited myself to guide, encourage and lead them, and I’m very proud of them and of the work they have done.
So far, the prize for me is that they have presented a very decent job that will reflect well on our school”.
Congratulations to Joseph Louis Williams, Bo Chen Su, Daniel Barrionuevo Vallejo, Inés Botella Amaya, Nicolás Prolongo Nieves, Miguel Ruiz González and Mr. Rojas for their efforts and for such a great result!