Noticia archivada en la categoría: Sports  | Publicada el 17 May del 2017.

Esta entrada también está disponible en: Spanish

Antonio Quero, profesor de Aikido de MIT School recibe la Medalla de San Jorge

Antonio Quero, the MIT School Aikido teacher, has been awarded the San Jorge Medal, an acknowledgment of his career and his work spreading this martial art in Malaga.

The award is given by the Concilio de Maestros de las Artes Marciales de España. The association “struggles to continue preserving the moral, ethical and traditional values of martial arts, especially when these are practiced properly,” according to its president, Alfonso Acosta.

“To highlight the importance of these values, we try to recognize and promote the workforce of this small group of teachers who still spread martial arts with some honesty“, explains the president. “Therefore, every year, we have a ceremony to distinguish thirty people who have done an excellent job of spreading the martial arts”.

At MIT we are very proud of this new decoration of the sensei Antonio Quero, which will take place in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of Cordoba on June 24.

Congratulations, sensei! You’re a true inspiration for all of us!

