Noticia archivada en la categoría: Day by day  | Publicada el 15 October del 2013.

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El elenco de 'Todo sobre Vázquez'

The cast of ‘Todo sobre Vázquez’

The High School students at MIT will enjoy next Friday 18 of October the new play by Jaime Palacios (Los ladrones van a la oficina, Al salir de clase, Ana y los 7). The work is Todo sobre Vázquez, a critique against contemporary society, and more specifically, against the state of the acting profession, moved by “being famous” instead of by “being professional”.

In addition to the experience of going to the Teatro Echegaray to see a theatrical production, the students will have the chance to chat with the performers -except Belinda Washington, who won’t be able to attend the meeting. That is why Ángel Caballero, a Malaguenian actor and former student of the General Manager, Mr. Díaz (Volveremos a hablar de esta nocheLa vida que se merecen), Lidia San José (Olvida los tamboresEscándalo en palacio) and Rubén Sanz  (Muelle OesteBodas de sangre) will be in the school the following Monday to explain the intricacies of theater and life on stage.