Noticia archivada en la categoría: Sports  | Publicada el 5 June del 2014.

Esta entrada también está disponible en: Spanish

La Selección Andaluza de karate categoriá Benjamín, Alevín, Infantil y Juvenil también entrena en MIT School

The Andalusian Karate Team (U10, U11, U13, U14 categories) train at MIT too

At MIT School train not only the best Spanish karateka, but also the new generations of sports coaches. Therefore, the Sports Coach of the Karate Federation Course, Level II, is taking place during June and July, on which the students are taught matters of general scientific nature and some others related to the technical, educational and regulatory aspects of karate, as Planification of the karate training on the stage of technification, detection of sport talents in karate and long-term training, Competition Rules… You can find more information about this course here.