Noticia archivada en la categoría: exchange  | Publicada el 3 October del 2018.

Esta entrada también está disponible en: Spanish

This course will be working in the classrooms with Eduten Playground, a program created by the University of Turku (Finland) that is used in a third of the schools in this pioneering country in Education. It is a digital tool with a complete math learning path for ages 6 to 15 with more than 15,000 exercises designed to motivate students who are automatically evaluated and provide instant feedback. The use of this tool has been shown to provide significantly higher learning outcomes with a 20% improvement in grades.

The pilot program for which only ten Spanish schools are selected will be developed as follows:

  • Participating schools will have access to Eduten Playground, and teachers will have access to Eduten Playground and students will use Eduten Playground in their classroom for 6 weeks in two or three classrooms per school. In practice, this means one class per week + homework.
  • Participating teachers will receive free 2-hour online training on Finnish pedagogy, analytical learning and use of Eduten Playground.
  • The University of Turku will organize a test at the beginning and end of the pilot period.
  • The school will receive a written report on the effectiveness of the use of Eduten Playground at their school after the pilot.
  • Teachers and students receive a certificate for completing the pilot.

    More information can be found at