Noticia archivada en la categoría: Languages  | Publicada el 25 September del 2014.

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Becas de chino HanBan en el Colegio MIT

MIT School is the only official examiner for the HanBan tests, which MIT students take yearly. Thanks to that, 50 of all the pupils from 14 to 18 years old who passed the exam have the opportunity to enjoy for free a linguistic and cultural immersion course in China (the only expenses they will have to face will be those related to the plane ticket -780€ per person-, the medical insurance and the visa management).

The applicants for this scholarship will have to write to and ask for the form, fill it in and send it to writing “BECA HSK-YCT 2014″ as the subject. They will also need to attach the diploma that certificates they have passed the exam, as well as the authorisation of the pupil’s guardians.

The deadline is on November 14th, and the final list with the granted students will be communicated via HanBan on the 17th. Come and enjoy this experience!