Noticia archivada en la categoría: Uncategorized  | Publicada el 25 March del 2013.

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Detalle de portada de 'Todo sobre el cerebro y la mente', por Marta E. Rodríoguez . Ed. Planeta.

Detail from the cover of ‘Todo sobre el cerebro y la mente’, by Marta E. Rodríoguez . Ed. Planeta.

Tomorrow, Tuesday 26th, a MIT School’s member of the psychology department, Marta Eugenia Rodríguez de la Torre, will participate in the tv show  ‘Tenemos que hablar de… superdotados’ (“We need to talk about… highly gifted) in TVE1 at 18:00 pm. The researcher and expert in human intelligence, with an IQ of over 210 (twice normal) have extensive experience in developing techniques for intelligence. In fact, she is also in charge of the courses to improve the intelligence, Sapientec, taught in the school itself.