Noticia archivada en la categoría: Sin categoría  | Publicada el 26 September del 2012.

Esta entrada también está disponible en: Spanish

MIT School seeks to educate not only good professionals, but also “responsible and free citizens”, according to the head manager, Javier Diaz. This is the reason why, given that the media provide the most usual way of knowing the world, the school incorporates  to its offer an after-school journalism workshop.

Provided that there are enough registered to start the course, the students will learn how to distinguish the characteristics of different media platforms and how to differentiate every journalistic genre (interview, report, review…) But, above all, they will be able to create them, as the aim of the workshop is for the pupils to design an online media. Thus, parents, friends and family can watch the learning process and the creation of the newspaper through this very same page, and observe the evolution of the editors, photographers, cameramen, presenters, editors and every other position involved in the project.