Noticia archivada en la categoría: Uncategorized  | Publicada el 16 June del 2014.

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Alumnas de MIT School durante una clase

MIT School students in class

The dynamism of MIT School promotes, with the start of each new school year, the possibility of carrying out new proposals for a most convenient and efficient operation of the center for all groups who participate of it (students, parents, teachers and workers).

This year, we will have several novelties. On the one hand, Chinese, Yoga and Aikido will be part of the core curriculum subjects of Secondary again (from February they were being taught from 16:00 to 17:00 hours), as MIT School considers them an essential part of its educational philosophy. As a result, Primary and Reception will see its schedule increased in two hours and fifteen minutes a week, which will be used to provide them with more language lessons.

To achieve this goal, the School starting time will be anticipated in fifteen minutes, at 8:45. By doing this, the peak hour of 9:00 am is avoided. Buses will pick up students 10 or 15 minutes earlier than before.

The finishing time will also be modified, being established at 16:15 from Monday to Thursday (the buses will leave after the extracurricular activities, at 17:10 hours). On Friday, however, the schedule remains the same, and the school will finish at 15:30 (the buses will depart at 16:00 hours).