Noticia archivada en la categoría: Languages  | Publicada el 9 May del 2013.

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Alumnos de MIT School durante una lección de chino

MIT School students during a Chinese lesson

There are only ten public schools in Andalusia where Chinese language is taught. However, MIT School is the only one in the autonomous community that includes it as compulsory. That’s why the school has been invited to the III Jornada de Enseñanza de la Lengua China (III Conference on Chinese Language Teachingen el Centro de Profesorado de Granada, chaired by the delegada territorial de Educación, Cultura y Deportes in Granada, Ana Gámez, and the Director general de Innovación Educativa y Formación Profesional, Pedro Benzal.

There, the MIT School principal, Mr. Diaz, has explained the teaching method of this language, which is taught in the center from age six through three native teachers. He has also presented the new exchange agreement between Chinese school students and MIT’s pupils.