Noticia archivada en la categoría: Uncategorized  | Publicada el 12 June del 2012.

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The IBM Smarter Cities Challenge is a project of the software company wich aim is to evolve into smarter and safer cities. To achieve this, they ally with the most innovative business, organizations  and schools in the places that accept this challenge. For that reason, the MIT has been selected as one of the leading academic bodies in Málaga by IBM, since this year, the city is one of 32 in the world (among only three other European ones) that will face the challenge.

Therefore, a team of IBM experts from Canada, the U.S. and Spain visited past June 6  the school building and met his teaching method. Everybody in the multinational was delighted and congratulated personally the institution’s director, Mr. Javier Diaz.

Finally, after having met with fifty more organizations, the IBM team agreed to allocate €400,000 to the city of Malaga with the goal of making it “the European Silycon Valley” within three years. Thus, the project is to take full advantage to a place that, as the IBM team established, “is already a first order technological pole of first order”.