Noticia archivada en la categoría: Solidarity  | Publicada el 10 May del 2014.

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Detalle del cartel del concurso 'Imágenes solidarias en ámbitos educativos'

Detail of the poster of the contest ‘Solidarity images in the school setting’

The Foundation ‘Un colegio para todos’, with whom MIT School has collaborated several times, has just created the Pedagogical Innovation Center CIP (located in Godino Street, 1) which focuses on the infancy and the needy. To inaugurate it, they are celebrating their 1st Photo Contest, Solidarity images in the school setting, launched as part of the Global Action Week for Education (SAME), held from 7 to 13 April 2014.

The closing date will be on May 26, 2014, and every participant, of any age, can send three pieces. For each category there will be three winners, and a special prize in each artistic composition for the photographs that best collect and combine the values ​​”education” and “solidarity”.  The work will be exhibited during the 2014-2015 school year at the Exhibition Hall of the Pedagogical Innovation Center, at schools, at various institutions and on the website of the Foundation Un Colegio Para Todos.

With this action, the Foundation aims to promote the aforementioned values as tools to get a respectable education for all and a fairer society. MIT School students are already working on their pictures!