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The Desafío Junior Empresarial is a competition organized by the Bussiness and Marketing School (ESIC). It is aimed to groups of high school and FP students from different national educational centers that, with the help of their teachers, simulate an environment of work reality by creating their own company.
In the 2017 edition, the eleventh, the MIT School’s ‘MIT Ladies Management’ team was the most valued by the jury, being the only center in Málaga to have reached the final. It has done so thanks to Amparo García, Nerea Márquez, Youlei Zhuo, Claudia Roberto and Alexandra Khubaera, tutored by Ms. Lobato. These students of social sciences of 1º of Bachillerato have managed to classify ahead of numerous teams of 2º of Bachillerato, including the one of ‘EnlightMIT’, also formed by students of the school -and which finished fifth in the rank among fifty groups.
The project presented by the students, under the name of ‘Hotel Pets & You’ is a business idea that revolves around the creation of a hotel for pets and their owners. To carry out the development of the project, they have had to create a marketing plan, do marketing studies and make decisions on the financial, legal-mercantile and human resources necessary to start the fictitious company.
With this, the students have learned valuable lessons about the business world, putting in practice one of the pillars on which the educational project of MIT School is based: connecting the young people with the labor market and guiding them in the choice of the career that will mark their future.