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Big bands, rock and pop groups, gospel choirs, jazz combos and many more ensembles are going to be generated during the course of 2013/2014 at the MIT Conservatory, because their classes are reinvented to become more entertaining and innovative. Thus, the Official Elementary Music Conservatory, in MIT School since 2010, will during this course continue with the formal education -which of completion entitles the obtention of the Elementary Music Title issued by the Conserjería de Educación- while combining classical and modern music (jazz, pop, rock, flamenco, ethnic music, Celtic, New Age …)
To achieve this, related instruments will be used to enhance the teaching of the traditional one and to practice modern music styles. The affinity is determined by the size (instruments adapted to the smallest), instruments of the same family (jazz trombone, electric guitar, electric bass …) and those created by the new technologies (electric violin and guitar… )
On the other hand, there will be innovations also in the pedagogical area, specifically in the Musical Language Learning. The aim is to link knowledge with practice, ie, to escape from the purely theoretical teaching disconnected from the immediate musical experience. Thus, the students will learn the musical concepts according with their instrumental or vocal practice requirements, which will be conditioned by the vocal / instrumental repertoire they are working on.
The professor of the faculty of music teaching in conservatories Jesus Lloret leads this new period at MIT Conservatory. During the same, specialties of piano, guitar, violin, viola, cello, double bass, tuba, trumpet, trombone, horn, percussion, saxophone, clarinet, bassoon, oboe, flute and harp will be offered. To these are added, as a novelty, the flamenco guitar and the vocal education, which are not offered in any conservatory in the province of Malaga.
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