Noticia archivada en la categoría: Sports  | Publicada el 24 June del 2014.

Esta entrada también está disponible en: Spanish

José Miguel Quesada posa con su medalla de oro junto a otros campeones

José Miguel Quesada poses with his gold medal along with other champions

The MIT School student José Miguel Quesada has achieved in his debut with the Spanish team the gold medal in the team competition and the bronze medal in the individual category! He did it in the International Championships of Andorra, held last weekend and  in which more than 700 participants from 15 nationalities competed. Moreover, his participation has passed into history, as he has become the youngest Andalusian karateka to defend Spain in a competition, as the media review:
El triunfo de José Miguel Quesada aparece reseñado en los periódicos

José Miguel Quesada’s triumph appears in the media

As if that weren’t enough, this model student has finished 1st ESO with very good grades, demonstrating that sports and studies can also be complemented at a high level of competition. Congratulations, José Miguel! We are proud of you!