Noticia archivada en la categoría: Sports  | Publicada el 6 September del 2013.

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Juan Carlos Aguilar, 5th Dan Aikido and Iaido 1st Dan

Juan Carlos Aguilar, Aikido 5th Dan and  Iado 1st Dan

Regional coach Juan Carlos Aguilar, Aikido 5th Dan and Iado 1st Dan, offered the past 3 and 4 of September a seminar at MIT School. The teacher is also president of the Spanish Association Tomiki Aikido and representative in Spain of the Japan Aikido Association. He also heads the Honbu Dojo Shidokan Spain, the most important under the Tomiki system in our country, and there are 14 dojos throughout Spain managed by him.

Aguilar says that his lessons “treat Budo learning issues as well as being a physical activity that put us fit and makes us feel good and a spiritual path; in short, everything that Aikido encompasses”. It has been an honor to have him at the School!