Noticia archivada en la categoría: Career counselling  | Publicada el 26 June del 2014.

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thank you letter

Today, MIT School has received a letter that has made us extremely happy. It is the testimony of the Quirós-Cabrera family, who has decided to share with us their satisfaction with our faculty teaching work. They tell us how their daughter Inmaculada has gone from having to repeat Bachillerato and not having any goals in her life to getting a 9.89 in Selectividad and facing the world as an adult and sensible woman. We are thrilled to know we have been the driving force of this change! Thank you for trusting us!

“Dear Teachers:

We are getting in touch with you to express our sincere appreciation for the teaching work you have developed with our daughter Immaculada in the two years she has spent at the school. Our daughter came to MIT on the verge of school failure, and why not say it, personal too; we refer to both their attitude towards studies, as to life in general. Actually, she was enrolled to repeat her first High School year, and as a last chance to rectify her behavior.

Not only has she got exceptional grades in Selectividad, in my opinion (9.89), but her maturity, sense of responsibility and attitude towards the world around her force me to have to treat her as an adult woman, fully capable of taking charge of her destiny, to live her life and to contribute to society with her know-how and good work.

In short, we sent you a teenager and we you have returned us a woman fully qualified to successfully face this increasingly complex, difficult and changing world, something we will never be able to thank you enough as parents, because now we are certain that our daughter will be fully useful to society and to herself.

We would like to make a special mention to the two SAPIENTEC psychologists, Marta and María, who which we consider essential part of the change that our daughter has experienced in meeting her obligations, her studies, her relationship with us, and everything around her in general, and thank their patience at the start of the lessons, which, of course, she did not want to attend.

We are not going to elaborate any more; we do not know how to thank you for making that our daughter is not left behind and has become a young woman excited about her future and able to deal with it successfully. Thanks to all those the school staff, especially Ms. Redondo, Sánchez, González, Karver, García, Girl, Rivas, Mr. Exposito, Arias, Saborido, Rojas, Mariano, Herr Rodríguez. And to the psychologists Marta and María.


The Quirós-Cabrera family”