Noticia archivada en la categoría: Sports  | Publicada el 10 June del 2014.

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Stephane Goffín y Antonio Quero

Stephane Goffín and Antonio Quero

MIT School receives the visit of the best teachers of Aikido worldwide several times a year. This time it will be again Stephane Goffin, 6th Dan Aikikai in Tokyo and technical director of Aikido at MIT School, the one who will not only offer a course in our facilities, but will also deliver degrees and diplomas to the most outstanding students in this discipline. And he will also be performing a show at the school party!

Through these activities not only are our Aikido students enriched, but also our teacher, Antonio Quero. He is constantly traveling around the world to train with the best. His next plans? To start, travel to Brussels to attend the course of Christian Tissier Shihan, 7th Dan Aikikai and technical Honorary President of Aikdio at MIT School. And in August, he will visit the HOMBU AIKIKAI DOJO in Japan, headquarters of Aikido in the World, to be received by the current DOSHU, the highest authority of the discipline and grandson of M. Ueshiba, founder of it.

In the following video we see our teacher, Antonio Quero, during a course in Germany with Christian Tissier Shihan and Stephane Goffin.

To register for the workshop, which will take place from 19 to 22 June and will cost 65 euros (20 euros per session), you can write to or call 608 09 03 84.