Noticia archivada en la categoría: Uncategorized  | Publicada el 19 March del 2013.

Esta entrada también está disponible en: Spanish


The Art History teacher at MIT, Ms Clotilde Jimenez, participated last March 15th in the 2nd Congreso Nacional de Didactica de la Cultura Andaluza, whose title has been Educational challenges of the Andalusian culture in a global society. Its purpose is “to promote and appreciate the values ​​of Andalusian culture within our global society, its art and its implications in the education.”

The Research Group “Las Ciencias Sociales en el Curriculum de Educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria. Propuestas Didácticas Innovadoras. Cultura Andaluza” of the Plan Andaluz de Investigación and the University of Malaga are the organizer of this meeting, which also tries to share learning experiences on the development of bilingualism programs in different educational levels.