Noticia archivada en la categoría: Sports  | Publicada el 20 January del 2015.

Esta entrada también está disponible en: Spanish

El profesor Víctor Pérez posa con una de las medallas conseguidas en en el Campeonato de Kárate celebrado en Guadalajara

Our teacher Mr. Pérez poses with one of the medals won in the Absolute Karate Championships held in Guadalajara

We have received more fantastic news from our athletes! Mr. Pérez has got two medals in the Absolute Karate Championship held in Guadalajara: one in Individual Kumite (u75kg category) and the other in Team Kumite, having performed nine rounds of fighting at the highest and strongest level in Spain against great rivals.

These medals make him again one of the candidates to defend Spain in the next Senior European Championships, to be held in Turkey. It is a pride for MIT School that teachers and students participate in high competition, representing our values of effort, perseverance and sacrificeand taking the name of the School at the top of the national scores, for both example of our principles in education and sports. Congratulations, Mr. Perez!