Noticia archivada en la categoría: Sports  | Publicada el 24 July del 2014.

Esta entrada también está disponible en: Spanish

Margarita Morata posa con su entrenador Lorenzo Marín en la entrega de premios

Margarita Morata poses with her trainer, Lorenzo Marín, at the awards ceremony

Margarita Morata, former MIT School student, was honored yesterday at the Palacio de Congresos de Jaén with the Best Athlete with Promise of Andalucía 2013 award. Her eight Spanish Champion titles, her five European Champion titles and her two third places in the #world competitions of Karate make her, at her 19 years old, worthy of this important distinction. Her brilliant career is quite an example for all of our students! Congratulations, Margarita!

You can find more information about these awards at La Opinión.