Noticia archivada en la categoría: Languages  | Publicada el 24 April del 2015.

Esta entrada también está disponible en: Spanish

¡MIT School vuelve a ser la única sede en Andalucía de los exámenes oficiales de ‪‎chino‬!

MIT School is again the only test center in Málaga of the Official Chinese Exams!

MIT‬ ‪‎School‬ is again the only HanBan‬ examination center in Andalucía (apart from the University of Granada)! The official Chinese‬ Exams‬ YTC‬ will take place on Saturday May 30, and the registrarion deadline will be the on April 28. The HSK‬ exam will be held on Sunday June 14, and its registration period ends on May 12. Both are also available to external ‪‎students‬.

You can register here.