Noticia archivada en la categoría: Languages  | Publicada el 21 March del 2016.

Esta entrada también está disponible en: Spanish

Una de las obras que hemos enviado al especial Educación de SUR in English

Detail of one of the drawings we’ve sent to the SUR in English’s Education&Learning issue

The awesome works you can see under these lines have been made by our students! We sent them to SUR In English for their Education&Learning issue, in which our entries have been awarded several times among students of all Malaga.

Congratulations on these wonders to Nerea Álvarez, Rut Elicha, Isabella Castillo, Talia Lester and Álvaro Hernández!


Nerea Alvarez 2º ESO Rut Elicha  Talia Lester 2º ESOSur - Isabella Castillo 1º BachToro - Alvaro Hernandez Solis 1º Bach