Noticia archivada en la categoría: Sports  | Publicada el 27 February del 2014.

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Margarita Morata y Jéssica Moreno posan con sus medallas

Margarita Morata and Jéssica Moreno pose with their medals

In Phase I of the Spain Karate Championships in the Absolute Category, held in Baeza (Jaén), the Andalusian team faced Extremadura, La Rioja and Cantabria, and got again several victories. Thus, the MIT School team is once more in the top rankings.

In Kata, both the male (formed by Lorenzo Carlos Marín, Antonio Garcia and Francisco López) and the female team (formed by Margarita Morata, Jessica Moreno, Cristina Marín and Susana Martínez, from Granada) got the gold. In Individual Kata, the winner was the European champion Margarita Morata, followed by her mate Jessica Moreno, who got the silver. Antonio García earned also the second place. Mr. Perez got to be sub-champion too, but only because a shoulder injury prevented him from fighting in the final and achieving the gold. He also held the second place in Kumite by teams.

The Final Phase, which only will be reached by the top 12 athletes in each category throughout Spain, will be held on the 15th and 16th March in Ciudad Real. We are sure that the results will be also spectacular there! Congratulations to all!