Noticia archivada en la categoría: Sports  | Publicada el 16 June del 2017.

Esta entrada también está disponible en: Spanish

Elena Plaja Quirós, oro en la categoría Prebenjamin Precopa durante el Campeonato de Andalucía de Gimnasia Rítmica

We say goodbye to the week with another amazing triumph of our students!

In this case, it’s the turn of Elena Plaja Quirós, in 2nd of Primary, who has obtained the first position in the category ‘Prebenjamin Precopa’ during the Championship of Andalusia of Rhythmic Gymnastics.

The most striking aspect is that Elena has only been practicing this sport for a year and a half in the Aldetor club in Málaga! Therefore, according to her coaches, it is clear that she has a great projection and that a promising future in rhythmic gymnastics awaits for her.

Congratulations, Elena! You are a role model for all of us!