Noticia archivada en la categoría: Languages,Sports  | Publicada el 28 February del 2016.

Esta entrada también está disponible en: Spanish

Presentación de Erasmus+ en el Centro Olímpico Matteo Pellicone de Ostia (Italia)

Presentation of the Erasmus+ program in the Centro Olímpico Matteo Pellicone de Ostia (Italy)

As we already informed you, MIT School has been only Spanish school selected by the Education, Training and Youth Program of the European Union Erasmus Plus thanks to our innovative educational project and our excellent teachers, among whom there are karate champions.

Now, the program officially starts, and its purpose is to bring this martial art to schools in six European countries, as highlighted in the website of the Federación Española de Kárate. This innovative experience, which was devised by Professor Pierluigi Aschieri from scientific research in the field of neurology, pediatrics and sciences of physical activity and sports, and based on the good practices developed in the teaching of karate, has been carried out in Italy with excellent results. Now, it is intended to be expanded through the Erasmus+ ‘Sport at school’ project. We are delighted to have been chosen!

Noticia de la selección de MIT School por Erasmus+ en Diario SUR

Piece of news of Erasmus+ at MIT School in Diario SUR

Noticia de la selección de MIT School por Erasmus+ en Málaga Hoy

Piece of news of Erasmus+ at MIT School by Málaga Hoy

Noticia de la selección de MIT School por Erasmus+ en La Opinión de Málaga

Piece of news of Erasmus+ at MIT School in La Opinión de Málaga